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Flat Roof, insulated, carriageable

  1. Walkable reinforced concrete
  2. Separation layer made ​​with double polyethylene film
  3. Polymer bitumen membrane  VIAPOL SYNTESI SB250 4 reinforced with a stabilized polyester, torched in total adherence to the first layer.
  4. Polymer bitumen membrane, VIAPOL SYNTESI SB200 4  reinforced with a stabilized polyester (combined with VETROROL paragraph 5)
  5. Thermal insulation layer in rolls VETROROL PE, high density extruded polystyrene
  6. Bituminous primer VIABIT PLUS at the rate of 300 to 350 gr / sqm
  7. Vapor check in polymer bitumen membrane VIAPOL SYNTESI TSR 4, with reinforced polyester inlay, torched  in semi-adhesion to the substrate
  8. Sealing band in polymer bitumen membrane VIAPOL SYNTESI SB200 4, with reinforced polyester inlay, torched to the first layer
  9. Reinforced concrete slab
  10. Plaster
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November 7, 1940 - Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The cause is the  hight stress caused by the wind force  to the bridge structure.
Viapol '63
This year Vetroasfalto celebrates the 56 years of life of its flagship product: the VIAPOL brand.
We would like to thank all our customers for the cofidence shown so far in our main product.

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