Bituminous solution containing oxidized bitumen and pure quick drying solvents. It has main advantages: good adhering and penetrating properties when applied, quick drying film, absence of stickiness.
VIABIT PLUS is used as undercoat to block the effects of dust and minimise concrete surfaces porosity, allowing a quick spreading and application of polymer-bitumen membranes, in both hot flame application and cold application with bituminous glues as VIAMASTIK.
It also used as waterproofing coating on concrete’s walls, as fixing primer on cement, wood and metal surfaces, and as protective film for tubes and metal tanks.
It is made of a compound of solvents and oxidized bitumen.
Quantity |
5 lt. |
10 lt. |
20 lt. |
N. x pallet |
150 |
80 |
33 |
It is very important that the concrete surfaces to be treated are as dry as possible, clean and free from oils and chalking powders.
VIABIT PLUS is ready to use, to be applied by brush, broom, roll or spray. In polymer-bitumen membranes hot flame application, is highly recommended to use the product only if concrete surfaces are perfectly dry; alternatively a bituminous primer specific for wet surfaces is suggested. The drying time depends on the concrete‘s porosity, on film thickness and on both surface and environmental temperatures
The film usually dries within 1 hour from application; should the primer thickness be very high, the temperature be rigorous or substructure be not much absorbent, this time could be longer, up to 2-4 hours.
The approximately consumption of VIABIT PLUS is 200 - 350 g/m2.
To clean the tools use a common synthetic or nitrous diluents.