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ECOBIT is a bituminous water based primer
Water based bituminous primer used in building industry as undercoat to block the effects of dust and minimising concrete porosity, allowing an easy laying off of polymer-bitumen membranes. It has good adhering and penetrating properties. Being a water based product, it is not flammable nor dangerous. The product is odourless.
Quantity 5 lt. 10 lt. 20 lt.
N. x pallet 150 80 33
It is employed on concrete surfaces of viaducts and bridges, concrete’s walls, and as protective film on industrial and civil buildings before hot application of polymer-bitumen membranes.
ECOBIT is particularly indicated for the waterproofing in residential zones, where the using of solvent’s products is not recommended. It has excellent penetrating and consolidating properties when applied to both dry and slightly wet concrete surfaces. Once applied, it grants a good anchorage for liquid bituminous waterproof polymer-bitumen membranes.
It is very important that the concrete surfaces to be treated are as dry as possible, clean and free from loose particles, oil, and dust when using ECOBIT. Mix before use, the product is ready to use either by broom, spray, roll or brush. The quantity to be used and drying time depends on the concrete‘s porosity, on film thickness and environmental temperatures. When applying bituminous membranes on concrete, be sure the already coated primer layer is perfectly dry.
The film usually dries within 4-6 hours from application, should the primer thickness be very high, the temperature be rigorous or substructure be not much absorbent, this time could be longer, up to 8 hours.
The approximately consumptrion of ECOBIT is 200 - 300 g/m2. The tools can be cleaned with water.
Do not apply the product when fog, rainfall or cold are forecasted, as this water based product would not dry and would be washed away. Keep away from frost: do not expose the packagings at a temperature below 5°C, once frozen the paint is no longer usable.


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Viapol '63
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We would like to thank all our customers for the cofidence shown so far in our main product.

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